About Us

Who We Are
Our team started SAVANNAH FRESH MEAT AFRICAN MARKET because we were unhappy with the condition of the foods we eat. Non-organic meats contain chemical additives, antibiotics, hormones, and less of the good things that are beneficial to you like Omega vitamins. They are also raised on a diet that is not natural to them, are treated inhumanely, and are kept in overcrowded conditions. This translates to a lower-quality meat product for you as a consumer.
We also did not like the sizes of the stores that carried the produce we wanted. Produce from large big box stores tends to be not as fresh; and oftentimes, supermarket staff and fellow customers don’t follow health policies. Our business is the solution to this problem, for us and for you.

Our Background
We have highly experienced and knowledgeable family members on our team that enjoy farming. Many have more than 10 years of experience.
Customer Service
Two of our key focuses are to ensure that you are happy and that our products are top-quality. We’ll even cut your meats and veggies for you! The foods we offer are raised or grown in hygienic conditions and our store is smaller than other stores. If you would like to learn more, please reach out to us and leave a message if necessary.
Numbers Speak For Themselves!

We Deal With Various Quality Organic Products!

- Goat meat
- Beef
- Lamb
- Fresh chicken
- Smoked chicken
- Spinach
- Bell peppers
- Mushroom
- Fresh turkey
- Smoked turkey
- Tilapia
- Makerel
- Catfish
- Shrimp
- Crocker
- Cucumbers